
Monday, January 18, 2016

My Whole Hearteded Opinion About AMP's!

Hey there my lovely readers!

So today I am doing something different. I am writing to you about a very important topic to me and that is AMP's! What are AMP's you may be wondering? AMP's stand for Alternative Menstrual Products and what are AMP's you ask. Well it is simple; AMP's are anything that is "unconventional" menstrual products it is everything from menstrual cups, to cloth pad or liners, and sea sponges are some of many. I have personally & recently discovered the world of AMP's and immediately knew that it was something for me. Okay so from this point on I am going to get very close and personal so if you want to stop reading here I totally understand.

 Okay so once I discovered AMP's and what it meant I knew I wanted to use them. It was a big choice but the more I found out about them the more I knew they were for me. Now I haven't been using AMP's to long so I am not an expert but I can tell you that choosing to use AMP's and change completely to them it is a big step and changes your life. Now I do want to say that if you do want to change to AMP's you have to be sure it is for you. Look I am a girl and I love to feel free and enjoy life but when that time of month comes it is inevitable. I tend to have very sensitive skin and before I found about AMP's I used pads usually the overnight heavy flow ones and I did sometimes use tampons. I had to stop using tampons because I am very prone to infections and stuff like that down there. So you could imagine that me being a heavy flow type of girl and without being able to use tampons I had to constantly change pads and it was pricy and a pain especially when I had to work. Once I first found out about AMP's I was curious more than anything but only after a few days or research I was sold on it. Now as to how I started to use AMP's. I actually sew my first menstrual pad. I found a video on YouTube (which  was how I found out about AMP's) and cut the latter cut the fabric from an old beach towel and a piece of towel and sew it by hand. With that done I tried it out and knew I wanted to change completely. After that I bought my ever reliable menstrual cup. My menstrual cup is the DivaCup. Before I start talking about menstrual cups and all that the reason I chose to use one is because I found out about them and how they work just like a tampon but have no risk of TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) which can kill you. Now that I know about TSS I am sure that I was at risk of it using tampons because of how sensitive and pro infections I am down there. I have been using the DivaCup for a few months now and it is the best thing ever specially for going to work. I just put it in and every so often depending on my flow for the day I have to go to the bathroom take it out dump the blood in the toilet and rinse it off then put it back in and that is it, no hassle. If I keep it clean insert it correctly make sure I don't over flow it every so many hours I won't have any leaks at all! Okay I had it happen one day I over flow it so much I did not only leak I bleed through it and that was my own fault for having it for more than 9 hours without going to the bathroom once. Now I have had sleep with it and there is no problem with it. I love my menstrual cup and I adore my cloth pads. I usually just use my DivaCup to go out or to work and the rest of the time I just use my cloth pads. Cloth pads are just that cloth pads they do the same as a regular pad but are reusable and you have to wash them. Now using cloth pads have its benefits like you know that annoying fishy like smell your period brings? Not with a cloth pad! You do get some smell but is so minimal and almost none that you can't notice it at all and this is due to regular pads are full of chemicals that when the blood makes contact with the pad creates the smell which can be very noticeable at times. But with a cloth pad you don't have that problem and they are so soft your skin won't get irritated like some regular pads will do to you.  Overall I am very happy about changing to AMP's and I couldn't be gladder I changed. I have only use the pads and cup so far but I am open for trying more in the future. Now cloth pads and menstrual cups are pricy but in the long run saves money so it has its ups and downs.  I am also willing to do anything that might help the environment and one less person using disposal menstrual products means less waste out there and that always helps the environment. So think about its pros and cons before you try it because it is not for everyone. I leave with this & I hope we get to have more topics like this in the future.


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