
Sunday, January 17, 2016

2016, New Year and New Ideas!

Hello my lovelies,

I would like to say Happy New Year to all of you first. I hope everyone had an amazing New Year’s Eve and a good Year so far. With a New Year there are new challenges and new goals. I want to tell you some of my goals for this year. 2016 is a big year for me; not many people know that I struggled a lot in college the last few years and I did though I don't regret any of it. Many of the struggles I had made me uncertain about my future and what I wanted but because of this struggles I have found myself growing in some unexpected ways. This year I am going back to school, to a new school, for an intense program that is going to take me about nine months to finish. I am excited and terrified about it but this is what I am meant to be doing so I will give it my all. I am also going to be working which always makes it harder but it is a necessary evil since I do have to pay for my own schooling. This year I am planning on working on my writing more and my blogging. I am hoping that this year I can blog a lot more and be more inspiring and helpful to others. Also I will be reading a lot more and with this I hope to make my goal of at least reading forty-four books this year. My last and most important goal this year is to be able to get married to my amazing boyfriend soon to be fiancé. We have both been talking about settling down together soon and that is my most important goal. I know many people would think we are doing this too fast but having been dating for almost two years (two years this summer) and knowing each other for about four years already we know we are each other’s one and it just seemed to be the natural step to take. There are other things involving my writing that I have planned but that is a story for another blog post. With this I leave you for now. I hope this year brings you all happiness and that all your wishes come true!

Love Always,

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