
Sunday, January 17, 2016

My New Novel

My lovelies,

So as I told you before I been working and writing a new Novel that was born during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) on November last year. This Novel was inspired by something my best friend and fellow writer said to me during a conversation. It is something special and fun;tThough it is still on its initial stage I can promise this new Novel is and will be a fun light read. I am working on a more contemporary genre something I have never written before. Since I usually just write Young Adult fantasy or eroticas I am very excited to be branching out more and getting out of my comfort zone. I can't say much about this new Novel yet because it is still on its beginning stage and it is still a fragile idea but what I can say it is that it will be a Young Adult Contemporary. This is a fun story mainly from my wild imagination but inspired by the people that are close to me. I am planning on letting the characters guide me and my intuition dictates what happens next. I got a small outline on how it starts and how it ends but the journey I have yet to discover it. I am excited to say I am planning on it to be a stand-alone for now unless I feel like there is more to tell after the story is done it will most likely be a stand-alone. I am planning on finishing the story this year and publishing it. I have big plans for the story and what I want to do with it once is done and written but that is a story for another blog post so keep in mind there will be a lot more updates on this Novel throughout this journey on writing it and publishing.

With warm love and wishes,

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